Art Direction + Styling


Recently, I've been reading, Vivienne Westwood by Vivienne Westwood and Ian Kelly. As a high school student, Vivienne Westwood's fashion from her punk rock days of making and styling the band, The Sex Pistols, inspired me to make my own unique changes to my wardrobe. Years later, while reading this book, I continue to appreciate her passionate spirit. Not only does her fashion styles continue to inspire me but through her blog: Climate Revolution, she has inspired 1000s of others to give money and support causes that help the environment. Her life has definitely been about fashion with a political purpose. However, her success wasn't overnight, through this book you see what a loyal and hard working person she was and continues to be. Even now, as Dame Vivenne Westwood, she is still out working on her passions and deticated to her own personal esthetic. This book is passionate, political, and give fashion a purpose. 

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